Source code for elastica.interaction

__doc__ = """ Numba implementation module containing interactions between a rod and its environment."""

import numpy as np
from elastica.external_forces import NoForces
from numba import njit
from elastica.contact_utils import (
from elastica._contact_functions import (

def find_slipping_elements(velocity_slip, velocity_threshold):
    raise NotImplementedError(
        "This function is removed in v0.3.2. Please use\n"
        "instead for finding slipping elements."

def node_to_element_mass_or_force(input):
    raise NotImplementedError(
        "This function is removed in v0.3.2. Please use\n"
        "instead for converting the mass/forces on rod nodes to elements."

def nodes_to_elements(input):
    # Remove the function beyond v0.4.0
    raise NotImplementedError(
        "This function is removed in v0.3.1. Please use\n"
        "instead for node-to-element interpolation of mass/forces."

def elements_to_nodes_inplace(vector_in_element_frame, vector_in_node_frame):
    raise NotImplementedError(
        "This function is removed in v0.3.2. Please use\n"
        "instead for updating nodal forces using the forces computed on elements."

# base class for interaction
# only applies normal force no friction
[docs]class InteractionPlane: """ The interaction plane class computes the plane reaction force on a rod-like object. For more details regarding the contact module refer to Eqn 4.8 of Gazzola et al. RSoS (2018). Attributes ---------- k: float Stiffness coefficient between the plane and the rod-like object. nu: float Dissipation coefficient between the plane and the rod-like object. plane_origin: numpy.ndarray 2D (dim, 1) array containing data with 'float' type. Origin of the plane. plane_normal: numpy.ndarray 2D (dim, 1) array containing data with 'float' type. The normal vector of the plane. surface_tol: float Penetration tolerance between the plane and the rod-like object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, k, nu, plane_origin, plane_normal): """ Parameters ---------- k: float Stiffness coefficient between the plane and the rod-like object. nu: float Dissipation coefficient between the plane and the rod-like object. plane_origin: numpy.ndarray 2D (dim, 1) array containing data with 'float' type. Origin of the plane. plane_normal: numpy.ndarray 2D (dim, 1) array containing data with 'float' type. The normal vector of the plane. """ self.k = k = nu self.plane_origin = plane_origin.reshape(3, 1) self.plane_normal = plane_normal.reshape(3) self.surface_tol = 1e-4
def apply_normal_force(self, system): """ In the case of contact with the plane, this function computes the plane reaction force on the element. Parameters ---------- system: object Rod-like object. Returns ------- plane_response_force_mag : numpy.ndarray 1D (blocksize) array containing data with 'float' type. Magnitude of plane response force acting on rod-like object. no_contact_point_idx : numpy.ndarray 1D (blocksize) array containing data with 'int' type. Index of rod-like object elements that are not in contact with the plane. """ return _calculate_contact_forces_rod_plane( self.plane_origin, self.plane_normal, self.surface_tol, self.k,, system.radius, system.mass, system.position_collection, system.velocity_collection, system.internal_forces, system.external_forces, )
def apply_normal_force_numba( plane_origin, plane_normal, surface_tol, k, nu, radius, mass, position_collection, velocity_collection, internal_forces, external_forces, ): raise NotImplementedError( "This function is removed in v0.3.2. For rod plane contact please use: \n" "elastica._contact_functions._calculate_contact_forces_rod_plane() \n" "For detail, refer to issue #113." ) # class for anisotropic frictional plane # NOTE: friction coefficients are passed as arrays in the order # mu_forward : mu_backward : mu_sideways # head is at x[0] and forward means head to tail # same convention for kinetic and static # mu named as to which direction it opposes
[docs]class AnisotropicFrictionalPlane(NoForces, InteractionPlane): """ This anisotropic friction plane class is for computing anisotropic friction forces on rods. A detailed explanation of the implemented equations can be found in Gazzola et al. RSoS. (2018). Attributes ---------- k: float Stiffness coefficient between the plane and the rod-like object. nu: float Dissipation coefficient between the plane and the rod-like object. plane_origin: numpy.ndarray 2D (dim, 1) array containing data with 'float' type. Origin of the plane. plane_normal: numpy.ndarray 2D (dim, 1) array containing data with 'float' type. The normal vector of the plane. slip_velocity_tol: float Velocity tolerance to determine if the element is slipping or not. static_mu_array: numpy.ndarray 1D (3,) array containing data with 'float' type. [forward, backward, sideways] static friction coefficients. kinetic_mu_array: numpy.ndarray 1D (3,) array containing data with 'float' type. [forward, backward, sideways] kinetic friction coefficients. """
[docs] def __init__( self, k, nu, plane_origin, plane_normal, slip_velocity_tol, static_mu_array, kinetic_mu_array, ): """ Parameters ---------- k: float Stiffness coefficient between the plane and the rod-like object. nu: float Dissipation coefficient between the plane and the rod-like object. plane_origin: numpy.ndarray 2D (dim, 1) array containing data with 'float' type. Origin of the plane. plane_normal: numpy.ndarray 2D (dim, 1) array containing data with 'float' type. The normal vector of the plane. slip_velocity_tol: float Velocity tolerance to determine if the element is slipping or not. static_mu_array: numpy.ndarray 1D (3,) array containing data with 'float' type. [forward, backward, sideways] static friction coefficients. kinetic_mu_array: numpy.ndarray 1D (3,) array containing data with 'float' type. [forward, backward, sideways] kinetic friction coefficients. """ InteractionPlane.__init__(self, k, nu, plane_origin, plane_normal) self.slip_velocity_tol = slip_velocity_tol ( self.static_mu_forward, self.static_mu_backward, self.static_mu_sideways, ) = static_mu_array ( self.kinetic_mu_forward, self.kinetic_mu_backward, self.kinetic_mu_sideways, ) = kinetic_mu_array
# kinetic and static friction should separate functions # for now putting them together to figure out common variables def apply_forces(self, system, time=0.0): """ Call numba implementation to apply friction forces Parameters ---------- system time """ _calculate_contact_forces_rod_plane_with_anisotropic_friction( self.plane_origin, self.plane_normal, self.surface_tol, self.slip_velocity_tol, self.k,, self.kinetic_mu_forward, self.kinetic_mu_backward, self.kinetic_mu_sideways, self.static_mu_forward, self.static_mu_backward, self.static_mu_sideways, system.radius, system.mass, system.tangents, system.position_collection, system.director_collection, system.velocity_collection, system.omega_collection, system.internal_forces, system.external_forces, system.internal_torques, system.external_torques, )
def anisotropic_friction( plane_origin, plane_normal, surface_tol, slip_velocity_tol, k, nu, kinetic_mu_forward, kinetic_mu_backward, kinetic_mu_sideways, static_mu_forward, static_mu_backward, static_mu_sideways, radius, mass, tangents, position_collection, director_collection, velocity_collection, omega_collection, internal_forces, external_forces, internal_torques, external_torques, ): raise NotImplementedError( "This function is removed in v0.3.2. For anisotropic_friction please use: \n" "elastica._contact_functions._calculate_contact_forces_rod_plane_with_anisotropic_friction() \n" "For detail, refer to issue #113." ) # Slender body module @njit(cache=True) def sum_over_elements(input): """ This function sums all elements of the input array. Using a Numba njit decorator shows better performance compared to python sum(), .sum() and np.sum() Parameters ---------- input: numpy.ndarray 1D (blocksize) array containing data with 'float' type. Returns ------- float """ """ Developer Note ----- Faster than sum(), .sum() and np.sum() For blocksize = 200 sum(): 36.9 µs ± 3.99 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each) .sum(): 3.17 µs ± 90.1 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each) np.sum(): 5.17 µs ± 364 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each) This version: 513 ns ± 24.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each) """ output = 0.0 for i in range(input.shape[0]): output += input[i] return output def node_to_element_position(node_position_collection): raise NotImplementedError( "This function is removed in v0.3.2. For node-to-element_position() interpolation please use: \n" "elastica.contact_utils._node_to_element_position() for rod position \n" "For detail, refer to issue #113." ) def node_to_element_velocity(mass, node_velocity_collection): raise NotImplementedError( "This function is removed in v0.3.2. For node-to-element_velocity() interpolation please use: \n" "elastica.contact_utils._node_to_element_velocity() for rod velocity. \n" "For detail, refer to issue #113." ) def node_to_element_pos_or_vel(vector_in_node_frame): # Remove the function beyond v0.4.0 raise NotImplementedError( "This function is removed in v0.3.0. For node-to-element interpolation please use: \n" "elastica.contact_utils._node_to_element_position() for rod position \n" "elastica.contact_utils._node_to_element_velocity() for rod velocity. \n" "For detail, refer to issue #80." ) @njit(cache=True) def slender_body_forces( tangents, velocity_collection, dynamic_viscosity, lengths, radius, mass ): r""" This function computes hydrodynamic forces on a body using slender body theory. The below implementation is from Eq. 4.13 in Gazzola et al. RSoS. (2018). .. math:: F_{h}=\frac{-4\pi\mu}{\ln{(L/r)}}\left(\mathbf{I}-\frac{1}{2}\mathbf{t}^{\textrm{T}}\mathbf{t}\right)\mathbf{v} Parameters ---------- tangents: numpy.ndarray 2D (dim, blocksize) array containing data with 'float' type. Rod-like element tangent directions. velocity_collection: numpy.ndarray 2D (dim, blocksize) array containing data with 'float' type. Rod-like object velocity collection. dynamic_viscosity: float Dynamic viscosity of the fluid. length: numpy.ndarray 1D (blocksize) array containing data with 'float' type. Rod-like object element lengths. radius: numpy.ndarray 1D (blocksize) array containing data with 'float' type. Rod-like object element radius. mass: numpy.ndarray 1D (blocksize) array containing data with 'float' type. Rod-like object node mass. Returns ------- stokes_force: numpy.ndarray 2D (dim, blocksize) array containing data with 'float' type. """ """ Developer Note ---- Faster than numpy einsum implementation for blocksize 100 numpy: 39.5 µs ± 6.78 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each) this version: 3.91 µs ± 310 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each) """ f = np.empty((tangents.shape[0], tangents.shape[1])) total_length = sum_over_elements(lengths) element_velocity = _node_to_element_velocity( mass=mass, node_velocity_collection=velocity_collection ) for k in range(tangents.shape[1]): # compute the entries of t`t. a[#][#] are the the # entries of t`t matrix a11 = tangents[0, k] * tangents[0, k] a12 = tangents[0, k] * tangents[1, k] a13 = tangents[0, k] * tangents[2, k] a21 = tangents[1, k] * tangents[0, k] a22 = tangents[1, k] * tangents[1, k] a23 = tangents[1, k] * tangents[2, k] a31 = tangents[2, k] * tangents[0, k] a32 = tangents[2, k] * tangents[1, k] a33 = tangents[2, k] * tangents[2, k] # factor = - 4*pi*mu/ln(L/r) factor = ( -4.0 * np.pi * dynamic_viscosity / np.log(total_length / radius[k]) * lengths[k] ) # Fh = factor * ((I - 0.5 * a) * v) f[0, k] = factor * ( (1.0 - 0.5 * a11) * element_velocity[0, k] + (0.0 - 0.5 * a12) * element_velocity[1, k] + (0.0 - 0.5 * a13) * element_velocity[2, k] ) f[1, k] = factor * ( (0.0 - 0.5 * a21) * element_velocity[0, k] + (1.0 - 0.5 * a22) * element_velocity[1, k] + (0.0 - 0.5 * a23) * element_velocity[2, k] ) f[2, k] = factor * ( (0.0 - 0.5 * a31) * element_velocity[0, k] + (0.0 - 0.5 * a32) * element_velocity[1, k] + (1.0 - 0.5 * a33) * element_velocity[2, k] ) return f # slender body theory
[docs]class SlenderBodyTheory(NoForces): """ This slender body theory class is for flow-structure interaction problems. This class applies hydrodynamic forces on the body using the slender body theory given in Eq. 4.13 of Gazzola et al. RSoS (2018). Attributes ---------- dynamic_viscosity: float Dynamic viscosity of the fluid. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dynamic_viscosity): """ Parameters ---------- dynamic_viscosity : float Dynamic viscosity of the fluid. """ super(SlenderBodyTheory, self).__init__() self.dynamic_viscosity = dynamic_viscosity
def apply_forces(self, system, time=0.0): """ This function applies hydrodynamic forces on body using the slender body theory given in Eq. 4.13 Gazzola et. al. RSoS 2018 paper Parameters ---------- system """ stokes_force = slender_body_forces( system.tangents, system.velocity_collection, self.dynamic_viscosity, system.lengths, system.radius, system.mass, ) _elements_to_nodes_inplace(stokes_force, system.external_forces)
# base class for interaction # only applies normal force no friction class InteractionPlaneRigidBody: def __init__(self, k, nu, plane_origin, plane_normal): self.k = k = nu self.plane_origin = plane_origin.reshape(3, 1) self.plane_normal = plane_normal.reshape(3) self.surface_tol = 1e-4 def apply_normal_force(self, system): """ This function computes the plane force response on the rigid body, in the case of contact. Contact model given in Eqn 4.8 Gazzola et. al. RSoS 2018 paper is used. Parameters ---------- system Returns ------- magnitude of the plane response """ return _calculate_contact_forces_cylinder_plane( self.plane_origin, self.plane_normal, self.surface_tol, self.k,, system.length, system.position_collection, system.velocity_collection, system.external_forces, ) @njit(cache=True) def apply_normal_force_numba_rigid_body( plane_origin, plane_normal, surface_tol, k, nu, length, position_collection, velocity_collection, external_forces, ): raise NotImplementedError( "This function is removed in v0.3.2. For cylinder plane contact please use: \n" "elastica._contact_functions._calculate_contact_forces_cylinder_plane() \n" "For detail, refer to issue #113." )