Source code for elastica.rod.knot_theory

__doc__ = """
This script is for computing the link-writhe-twist (LWT) of a rod using the method from Klenin & Langowski 2000 paper.
Algorithms are adapted from section S2 of Charles et. al. PRL 2019 paper.

Following example cases includes computing LWT quantities to study the bifurcation:

- `Example case (PlectonemesCase) <>`_
- `Example case (SolenoidCase) <>`_

The details discussion is included in `N Charles et. al. PRL (2019) <>`_.

import sys

if sys.version_info.minor >= 8:
    # typing Protocol is introduced in python 3.8
    from typing import Protocol
elif sys.version_info.minor < 8:
    # Protocol is implemented in typing_extensions for previous pythons
    from typing_extensions import Protocol

from typing import Union

from numba import njit
import numpy as np

from elastica.rod.rod_base import RodBase
from elastica._linalg import _batch_norm, _batch_dot, _batch_cross

[docs]class KnotTheoryCompatibleProtocol(Protocol): """KnotTheoryCompatibleProtocol Required properties to use KnotTheory mixin """ @property def position_collection(self) -> np.ndarray: ... @property def director_collection(self) -> np.ndarray: ... @property def radius(self) -> np.ndarray: ... @property def base_length(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
[docs]class KnotTheory: """ This mixin should be used in RodBase-derived class that satisfies KnotCompatibleProtocol. The theory behind this module is based on the method from Klenin & Langowski 2000 paper. KnotTheory can be mixed with any rod-class based on RodBase:: class MyRod(RodBase, KnotTheory): def __init__(self): super().__init__() rod = MyRod(...) total_twist = rod.compute_twist() total_link = rod.compute_link() There are few alternative way of handling edge-condition in computing Link and Writhe. Here, we provide three methods: "next_tangent", "end_to_end", and "net_tangent". The default *type_of_additional_segment* is set to "next_tangent." ========================== ===================================== type_of_additional_segment Description ========================== ===================================== next_tangent | Adds a two new point at the begining and end of the center line. | Distance of these points are given in segment_length. | Direction of these points are computed using the rod tangents at | the begining and end. end_to_end | Adds a two new point at the begining and end of the center line. | Distance of these points are given in segment_length. | Direction of these points are computed using the rod node end | positions. net_tangent | Adds a two new point at the begining and end of the center line. | Distance of these points are given in segment_length. Direction of | these points are point wise avarege of nodes at the first and | second half of the rod. ========================== ===================================== """ MIXIN_PROTOCOL = Union[RodBase, KnotTheoryCompatibleProtocol]
[docs] def compute_twist(self: MIXIN_PROTOCOL): """ See :ref:`api/rods:Knot Theory (Mixin)` for the detail. """ total_twist, local_twist = compute_twist( self.position_collection[None, ...], self.director_collection[0][None, ...], ) return total_twist[0]
[docs] def compute_writhe( self: MIXIN_PROTOCOL, type_of_additional_segment: str = "next_tangent" ): """ See :ref:`api/rods:Knot Theory (Mixin)` for the detail. Parameters ---------- type_of_additional_segment : str Determines the method to compute new segments (elements) added to the rod. Valid inputs are "next_tangent", "end_to_end", "net_tangent", otherwise program uses the center line. """ return compute_writhe( self.position_collection[None, ...], self.rest_lengths.sum(), type_of_additional_segment, )[0]
[docs]def compute_twist(center_line, normal_collection): """ Compute the twist of a rod, using center_line and normal collection. Methods used in this function is adapted from method 2a Klenin & Langowski 2000 paper. .. warning:: If center line is straight, although the normals of each element is pointing different direction computed twist will be zero. Typical runtime of this function is longer than simulation steps. While we provide a function to compute topological quantities at every timesteps, **we highly recommend** to compute LWT during the post-processing stage.:: import elastica ... normal_collection = director_collection[:,0,...] # shape of director (time, 3, 3, n_elems) elastica.compute_twist( center_line, # shape (time, 3, n_nodes) normal_collection # shape (time, 3, n_elems) ) Parameters ---------- center_line : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_nodes) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of rod node positions. normal_collection : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_elems) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of rod elements normal direction. Returns ------- total_twist : numpy.ndarray local_twist : numpy.ndarray """ # fmt: off # Format is turned off because I want the assertion message to display the line. assert center_line.shape[2] == normal_collection.shape[2] + 1, \ "Please check the shape (axis-2) of center_line(n_node=n_elems+1) or normal_collection(n_elems)." assert center_line.shape[0] == normal_collection.shape[0], \ "The number of timesteps (axis-0) must be equal" assert center_line.shape[1] == normal_collection.shape[1] == 3, \ "The dimension (axis-1) must be 3" # fmt: on total_twist, local_twist = _compute_twist(center_line, normal_collection) return total_twist, local_twist
@njit(cache=True) def _compute_twist(center_line, normal_collection): """ Parameters ---------- center_line : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_nodes) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of rod node positions. normal_collection : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_elems) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of rod elements normal direction. Returns ------- total_twist : numpy.ndarray local_twist : numpy.ndarray """ timesize, _, blocksize = center_line.shape total_twist = np.zeros((timesize)) local_twist = np.zeros((timesize, blocksize - 2)) # Only consider interior nodes # compute s vector for k in range(timesize): # s is a secondary vector field. s = center_line[k, :, 1:] - center_line[k, :, :-1] # Compute tangents tangent = s / _batch_norm(s) # Compute the projection of normal collection (d1) on normal-binormal plane. projection_of_normal_collection = ( normal_collection[k, :, :] - _batch_dot(tangent, normal_collection[k, :, :]) * tangent ) projection_of_normal_collection /= _batch_norm(projection_of_normal_collection) # Eq 27 in Klenin & Langowski 2000 # p is defined on interior nodes p = _batch_cross(s[:, :-1], s[:, 1:]) p /= _batch_norm(p) # Compute the angle we need to turn d1 around s to get p # sign part tells whether d1 must be rotated ccw(+) or cw(-) around s alpha = np.sign( _batch_dot( _batch_cross(projection_of_normal_collection[:, :-1], p), s[:, :-1] ) ) * np.arccos(_batch_dot(projection_of_normal_collection[:, :-1], p)) gamma = np.sign( _batch_dot( _batch_cross(p, projection_of_normal_collection[:, 1:]), s[:, 1:] ) ) * np.arccos(_batch_dot(projection_of_normal_collection[:, 1:], p)) # An angle 1 is a full rotation, 0.5 is rotation by pi, 0.25 is pi/2 etc. alpha /= 2 * np.pi gamma /= 2 * np.pi twist_temp = alpha + gamma # Check if there is any Nan. Nan's appear when rod tangents are parallel to each other. idx = np.where(np.isnan(twist_temp))[0] for i in idx: # compute angle between two vectors dot_product = projection_of_normal_collection[:, i], projection_of_normal_collection[:, i + 1], ) angle = np.arccos(dot_product) cross = np.cross( projection_of_normal_collection[:, i], projection_of_normal_collection[:, i + 1], ) angle *= np.sign([:, i], cross)) twist_temp[i] = angle / (2 * np.pi) # Make sure twist is between (-1/2 to 1/2) as defined in pg 313 Klenin & Langowski 2000 idx = np.where(twist_temp > 0.5)[0] twist_temp[idx] -= 1 idx = np.where(twist_temp < -0.5)[0] twist_temp[idx] += 1 local_twist[k, :] = twist_temp total_twist[k] = np.sum(twist_temp) return total_twist, local_twist
[docs]def compute_writhe(center_line, segment_length, type_of_additional_segment): """ This function computes the total writhe history of a rod. Equations used are from method 1a from Klenin & Langowski 2000 paper. Typical runtime of this function is longer than simulation steps. While we provide a function to compute topological quantities at every timesteps, **we highly recommend** to compute LWT during the post-processing stage.:: import elastica ... elastica.compute_writhe( center_line, # shape (time, 3, n_nodes) segment_length, type_of_additional_segment="next_tangent" ) Parameters ---------- center_line : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_nodes) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of rod node positions. segment_length : float Length of added segments. type_of_additional_segment : str Determines the method to compute new segments (elements) added to the rod. Valid inputs are "next_tangent", "end_to_end", "net_tangent", otherwise program uses the center line. Returns ------- total_writhe : numpy.ndarray """ # fmt: off # Format is turned off because I want the assertion message to display the line. assert center_line.shape[1] == 3, \ "The dimension (axis-1) must be 3" # fmt: on center_line_with_added_segments, _, _ = _compute_additional_segment( center_line, segment_length, type_of_additional_segment ) total_writhe = _compute_writhe(center_line_with_added_segments) return total_writhe
@njit(cache=True) def _compute_writhe(center_line): """ Parameters ---------- center_line : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_nodes) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of rod node positions. Returns ------- total_writhe : numpy.ndarray """ time, _, blocksize = center_line.shape omega_star = np.zeros((blocksize - 2, blocksize - 1)) segment_writhe = np.zeros((blocksize - 2, blocksize - 1)) total_writhe = np.zeros((time)) # Compute the writhe between each pair first. for k in range(time): for i in range(blocksize - 2): for j in range(i + 1, blocksize - 1): point_one = center_line[k, :, i] point_two = center_line[k, :, i + 1] point_three = center_line[k, :, j] point_four = center_line[k, :, j + 1] # Eq 15 in Klenin & Langowski 2000 r12 = point_two - point_one r34 = point_four - point_three r14 = point_four - point_one r13 = point_three - point_one r23 = point_three - point_two r24 = point_four - point_two n1 = np.cross(r13, r14) n1 /= np.linalg.norm(n1) n2 = np.cross(r14, r24) n2 /= np.linalg.norm(n2) n3 = np.cross(r24, r23) n3 /= np.linalg.norm(n3) n4 = np.cross(r23, r13) n4 /= np.linalg.norm(n4) # Eq 16a in Klenin & Langowski 2000 omega_star[i, j] = ( np.arcsin(, n2)) + np.arcsin(, n3)) + np.arcsin(, n4)) + np.arcsin(, n1)) ) if np.isnan(omega_star[i, j]): omega_star[i, j] = 0 # Eq 16b in Klenin & Langowski 2000 segment_writhe[i, j] = ( omega_star[i, j] * np.sign(, r12), r13)) / (4 * np.pi) ) # Compute the total writhe # Eq 13 in Klenin & Langowski 2000 total_writhe[k] = 2 * np.sum(segment_writhe) return total_writhe @njit(cache=True) def _compute_auxiliary_line(center_line, normal_collection, radius): """ This function computes the auxiliary line using rod center line and normal collection. Parameters ---------- center_line : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_nodes) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of rod node positions. normal_collection : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_elems) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of rod elements normal direction. radius : numpy.ndarray 2D (time, n_elems) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of rod element radius. Returns ------- auxillary_line : numpy.ndarray """ time, _, blocksize = center_line.shape auxiliary_line = np.zeros(center_line.shape) projection_of_normal_collection = np.zeros((3, blocksize)) radius_on_nodes = np.zeros((blocksize)) for i in range(time): tangent = center_line[i, :, 1:] - center_line[i, :, :-1] tangent /= _batch_norm(tangent) # Compute the projection of normal collection (d1) on normal-binormal plane. projection_of_normal_collection_temp = ( normal_collection[i, :, :] - _batch_dot(tangent, normal_collection[i, :, :]) * tangent ) projection_of_normal_collection_temp /= _batch_norm( projection_of_normal_collection_temp ) # First node have the same direction with second node. They share the same element. # TODO: Instead of this maybe we should use the trapezoidal rule or averaging operator for normal and radius. projection_of_normal_collection[:, 0] = projection_of_normal_collection_temp[ :, 0 ] projection_of_normal_collection[:, 1:] = projection_of_normal_collection_temp[:] radius_on_nodes[0] = radius[i, 0] radius_on_nodes[1:] = radius[i, :] auxiliary_line[i, :, :] = ( radius_on_nodes * projection_of_normal_collection + center_line[i, :, :] ) return auxiliary_line @njit(cache=True) def _compute_link(center_line, auxiliary_line): """ Parameters ---------- center_line : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_nodes) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of rod node positions. auxiliary_line : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_nodes) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of auxiliary line. Returns ------- total_link : numpy.ndarray """ timesize, _, blocksize_center_line = center_line.shape blocksize_auxiliary_line = auxiliary_line.shape[-1] omega_star = np.zeros((blocksize_center_line - 1, blocksize_auxiliary_line - 1)) segment_link = np.zeros((blocksize_center_line - 1, blocksize_auxiliary_line - 1)) total_link = np.zeros((timesize)) # Compute the writhe between each pair first. for k in range(timesize): for i in range(blocksize_center_line - 1): for j in range(blocksize_auxiliary_line - 1): point_one = center_line[k, :, i] point_two = center_line[k, :, i + 1] point_three = auxiliary_line[k, :, j] point_four = auxiliary_line[k, :, j + 1] # Eq 15 in Klenin & Langowski 2000 r12 = point_two - point_one r34 = point_four - point_three r14 = point_four - point_one r13 = point_three - point_one r23 = point_three - point_two r24 = point_four - point_two n1 = np.cross(r13, r14) n1 /= np.linalg.norm(n1) n2 = np.cross(r14, r24) n2 /= np.linalg.norm(n2) n3 = np.cross(r24, r23) n3 /= np.linalg.norm(n3) n4 = np.cross(r23, r13) n4 /= np.linalg.norm(n4) # Eq 16a in Klenin & Langowski 2000 omega_star[i, j] = ( np.arcsin(, n2)) + np.arcsin(, n3)) + np.arcsin(, n4)) + np.arcsin(, n1)) ) if np.isnan(omega_star[i, j]): omega_star[i, j] = 0 # Eq 16b in Klenin & Langowski 2000 segment_link[i, j] = ( omega_star[i, j] * np.sign(, r12), r13)) / (4 * np.pi) ) # Compute the total writhe # Eq 6 in Klenin & Langowski 2000 # Unlike the writhe, link computed using two curves so we do not multiply by 2 total_link[k] = np.sum(segment_link) return total_link @njit(cache=True) def _compute_auxiliary_line_added_segments( beginning_direction, end_direction, auxiliary_line, segment_length ): """ This code is for computing position of added segments to the auxiliary line. Parameters ---------- beginning_direction : numpy.ndarray 2D (time, 3) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of center line tangent at the beginning. end_direction : numpy.ndarray 2D (time, 3) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of center line tangent at the end. auxiliary_line : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_nodes) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of auxiliary line. segment_length : float Length of added segments. Returns ------- new_auxiliary_line : numpy.ndarray """ timesize, _, blocksize = auxiliary_line.shape new_auxiliary_line = np.zeros((timesize, 3, blocksize + 2)) new_auxiliary_line[:, :, 1:-1] = auxiliary_line new_auxiliary_line[:, :, 0] = ( auxiliary_line[:, :, 0] + beginning_direction * segment_length ) new_auxiliary_line[:, :, -1] = ( auxiliary_line[:, :, -1] + end_direction * segment_length ) return new_auxiliary_line @njit(cache=True) def _compute_additional_segment( center_line, segment_length, type_of_additional_segment ): """ This function adds two points at the end of center line. Distance from the center line is given by segment_length. Direction from center line to the new point locations can be computed using 3 methods, which can be selected by type. For more details section S2 of Charles et. al. PRL 2019 paper. next_tangent: This function adds a two new point at the begining and end of the center line. Distance of these points are given in segment_length. Direction of these points are computed using the rod tangents at the begining and end. end_to_end: This function adds a two new point at the begining and end of the center line. Distance of these points are given in segment_length. Direction of these points are computed using the rod node end positions. net_tangent: This function adds a two new point at the begining and end of the center line. Distance of these points are given in segment_length. Direction of these points are point wise avarege of nodes at the first and second half of the rod. Parameters ---------- center_line : numpy.ndarray 3D (time, 3, n_nodes) array containing data with 'float' type. Time history of rod node positions. segment_length : float Length of added segments. type_of_additional_segment : str Determines the method to compute new segments (elements) added to the rod. Valid inputs are "next_tangent", "end_to_end", "net_tangent". If None, returns the center line. Returns ------- center_line : numpy.ndarray beginning_direction : numpy.ndarray end_direction : numpy.ndarray """ if type_of_additional_segment is None: beginning_direction = np.zeros((center_line.shape[0], 3)) end_direction = np.zeros((center_line.shape[0], 3)) return center_line, beginning_direction, end_direction timesize, _, blocksize = center_line.shape new_center_line = np.zeros( (timesize, 3, blocksize + 2) ) # +2 is for added two new points beginning_direction = np.zeros((timesize, 3)) end_direction = np.zeros((timesize, 3)) if type_of_additional_segment == "next_tangent": for i in range(timesize): # Direction of the additional point at the beginning of the rod direction_of_rod_begin = center_line[i, :, 0] - center_line[i, :, 1] direction_of_rod_begin /= np.linalg.norm(direction_of_rod_begin) # Direction of the additional point at the end of the rod direction_of_rod_end = center_line[i, :, -1] - center_line[i, :, -2] direction_of_rod_end /= np.linalg.norm(direction_of_rod_end) elif type_of_additional_segment == "end_to_end": for i in range(timesize): # Direction of the additional point at the beginning of the rod direction_of_rod_begin = center_line[i, :, 0] - center_line[i, :, -1] direction_of_rod_begin /= np.linalg.norm(direction_of_rod_begin) # Direction of the additional point at the end of the rod direction_of_rod_end = -direction_of_rod_begin elif type_of_additional_segment == "net_tangent": for i in range(timesize): # Direction of the additional point at the beginning of the rod n_nodes_begin = int(np.floor(blocksize / 2)) average_begin = ( np.sum(center_line[i, :, :n_nodes_begin], axis=1) / n_nodes_begin ) n_nodes_end = int(np.ceil(blocksize / 2)) average_end = np.sum(center_line[i, :, n_nodes_end:], axis=1) / ( blocksize - n_nodes_end + 1 ) direction_of_rod_begin = average_begin - average_end direction_of_rod_begin /= np.linalg.norm(direction_of_rod_begin) direction_of_rod_end = -direction_of_rod_begin else: raise NotImplementedError("unavailable type_of_additional_segment is given") # Compute new centerline and beginning/end direction for i in range(timesize): first_point = center_line[i, :, 0] + segment_length * direction_of_rod_begin last_point = center_line[i, :, -1] + segment_length * direction_of_rod_end new_center_line[i, :, 1:-1] = center_line[i, :, :] new_center_line[i, :, 0] = first_point new_center_line[i, :, -1] = last_point beginning_direction[i, :] = direction_of_rod_begin end_direction[i, :] = direction_of_rod_end return new_center_line, beginning_direction, end_direction