Source code for elastica.utils

""" Handy utilities

import functools
import numpy as np
from numpy import finfo, float64
from itertools import islice
from scipy.interpolate import BSpline

# Slower than the python3.8 isqrt implementation for small ints
# python isqrt : ~130 ns
# this : 621 ns ± 17.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
# with lru cache it drops to 80-100ns, which is anyway our common use case
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1) def isqrt(num: int) -> int: """ Efficiently computes sqrt for integer values Dropin replacement for python3.8's isqrt function Credits : Parameters ---------- num : int, input Returns ------- sqrt_num : int, rounded down sqrt of num Notes ----- - Doesn't handle edge-cases of negative numbers by design - Doesn't type-check for integers by design, although it is hinted at Examples -------- """ if num > 0: x_iterate = 1 << (num.bit_length() + 1 >> 1) while True: f_iterate = (x_iterate + num // x_iterate) >> 1 if f_iterate >= x_iterate: return x_iterate x_iterate = f_iterate elif num == 0: return 0
[docs]class MaxDimension: """ Contains maximum space dimensions. Typically useful for range-checking """
[docs] @staticmethod def value(): """ Returns spatial dimension Returns ------- 3, static value """ return 3
class Tolerance: @staticmethod def atol(): """ Static absolute tolerance method Returns ------- atol : library-wide set absolute tolerance for kernels """ return finfo(float64).eps * 1e4 @staticmethod def rtol(): """ Static relative tolerance method Returns ------- tol : library-wide set relative tolerance for kernels """ return finfo(float64).eps * 1e11
[docs]def perm_parity(lst): """ Given a permutation of the digits 0..N in order as a list, returns its parity (or sign): +1 for even parity; -1 for odd. Parameters ---------- lst Returns ------- Credits ------- Code obtained with thanks from licensed with a MIT License """ parity = 1 for i in range(0, len(lst) - 1): if lst[i] != i: parity *= -1 mn = min(range(i, len(lst)), key=lst.__getitem__) lst[i], lst[mn] = lst[mn], lst[i] return parity
[docs]def grouper(iterable, n): """Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks" Parameters ---------- iterable : input collection n : size of chunk Returns ------- Example ------- grouper('ABCDEFG', 3) --> ABC DEF G" Credits ------- """ it = iter(iterable) while True: group = tuple(islice(it, None, n)) if not group: break yield group
[docs]def extend_instance(obj, cls): """Apply mixins to a class instance after creation Parameters ---------- obj : object (not class!) targeted for interface extension Interface carries throughout its lifetime. cls : class (not object!) to dynamically mixin Returns ------- None Credits ------- """ base_cls = obj.__class__ base_cls_name = obj.__class__.__name__ # Putting class first to override default behavior obj.__class__ = type(base_cls_name, (cls, base_cls), {})
def _bspline(t_coeff, l_centerline=1.0): """Generates a bspline object that plots the spline interpolant for any vector x. Optionally takes in a centerline length, set to 1.0 by default and keep_pts for keeping record of control points Parameters ---------- t_coeff : np.array The spline coefficients, denoted by :math:`beta_i`. Note that the first and the last values are set to zero by default. l_centreline : float The length of the centerline in meters. Returns ------- spline : scipy.interpolate.Bspline class A spline class that can be called as spline(x), where x are the points at which the spline needs to be evaluated. """ # Divide into n_control_pts number of points (n_ctr_pts-1) regions control_pts = l_centerline * np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, t_coeff.shape[0] - 2) # Degree of b-spline required. Set to cubic degree = 3 return __bspline_impl__(control_pts, t_coeff, degree) def __bspline_impl__(x_pts, t_c, degree): """""" # Update the knots n_upd = t_c.shape[0] + (degree + 1) # Generate the knots knots_updated = np.zeros(n_upd) # Fix first degree-1 knots into head knots_updated[:degree] = x_pts[0] # Middle knot locations correspond to x_locations knots_updated[degree : n_upd - (degree)] = x_pts # Fix first degree-1 knots into tail knots_updated[n_upd - (degree) :] = x_pts[-1] return BSpline(knots_updated, t_c, degree, extrapolate=False), x_pts, t_c