Source code for elastica.callback_functions

__doc__ = """ Module contains callback classes to save simulation data for rod-like objects """
__all__ = ["CallBackBaseClass", "MyCallBack", "ExportCallBack"]

import warnings
import os
import sys
import numpy as np

[docs]class CallBackBaseClass: """ This is the base class for callbacks for rod-like objects. Notes ----- Every new callback class must be derived from CallBackBaseClass. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ CallBackBaseClass does not need any input parameters. """ pass
def make_callback(self, system, time, current_step: int): """ This method is called every time step. Users can define which parameters are called back and recorded. Also users can define the sampling rate of these parameters inside the method function. Parameters ---------- system : object System is a rod-like object. time : float The time of the simulation. current_step : int Simulation step. """ pass
[docs]class MyCallBack(CallBackBaseClass): """ MyCallBack class is derived from the base callback class. This is just an example of a callback class, this class as an example/template to write new call back classes in your client file. Attributes ---------- sample_every: int Collect data using make_callback method every sampling step. callback_params: dict Collected callback data is saved in this dictionary. """
[docs] def __init__(self, step_skip: int, callback_params): """ Parameters ---------- step_skip: int Collect data using make_callback method every step_skip step. callback_params: dict Collected data is saved in this dictionary. """ CallBackBaseClass.__init__(self) self.sample_every = step_skip self.callback_params = callback_params
def make_callback(self, system, time, current_step: int): if current_step % self.sample_every == 0: self.callback_params["time"].append(time) self.callback_params["step"].append(current_step) self.callback_params["position"].append(system.position_collection.copy()) self.callback_params["directors"].append(system.director_collection.copy()) self.callback_params["velocity"].append(system.velocity_collection.copy()) return
[docs]class ExportCallBack(CallBackBaseClass): """ ExportCallback is an example callback class to demonstrate how to export rod-data into data file. If one wants to customize the saving data, we recommend to override `make_callback` method. Attributes ---------- AVAILABLE_METHOD Supported method to save the file. We recommend binary save to maintain the tensor structure of data. FILE_SIZE_CUTOFF Maximum buffer size for each file. If the buffer size exceed, new file is created. Actual size of the file is expected to be marginally larger. """ AVAILABLE_METHOD = ["pickle", "npz", "tempfile"] FILE_SIZE_CUTOFF = 32 * 1e6 # mB
[docs] def __init__( self, step_skip: int, path: str, method: str, initial_file_count: int = 0, save_every: int = 1e8, ): """ Parameters ---------- step_skip : int Collect data at each step_skip steps. path : str Path to save the file. If directories are prepended, they must exist. The filename depends on the method. The path is not expected to include extension. method : str Method name. Only the name in AVAILABLE_METHOD is allowed. initial_file_count : int Initial file count index that will be appended save_every : int Save the file every save_every steps. (default=1e8) """ # Assertions MIN_STEP_SKIP = 100 if step_skip <= MIN_STEP_SKIP: warnings.warn(f"We recommend step_skip at least {MIN_STEP_SKIP}") assert ( method in ExportCallBack.AVAILABLE_METHOD ), f"The exporting method ({method}) is not supported. Please use one of {ExportCallBack.AVAILABLE_METHOD}." assert os.path.exists(path), "The export path does not exist." # Argument Parameters self.step_skip = step_skip self.save_path = path self.method = method self.file_count = initial_file_count self.save_every = save_every # Data collector from collections import defaultdict self.buffer = defaultdict(list) self.buffer_size = 0 # Module if method == ExportCallBack.AVAILABLE_METHOD[0]: import pickle self._pickle = pickle elif method == ExportCallBack.AVAILABLE_METHOD[1]: from numpy import savez self._savez = savez elif method == ExportCallBack.AVAILABLE_METHOD[2]: import tempfile import pickle self._tempfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) self._pickle = pickle
def make_callback(self, system, time, current_step: int): """ Parameters ---------- system : Each part of the system (i.e. rod, rigid body, etc) time : simulation time unit current_step : int simulation step """ if current_step % self.step_skip == 0: position = system.position_collection.copy() velocity = system.velocity_collection.copy() director = system.director_collection.copy() self.buffer["time"].append(time) self.buffer["step"].append(current_step) self.buffer["position"].append(position) self.buffer["directors"].append(director) self.buffer["velocity"].append(velocity) self.buffer_size += ( sys.getsizeof(position) + sys.getsizeof(velocity) + sys.getsizeof(director) ) if ( self.buffer_size > ExportCallBack.FILE_SIZE_CUTOFF or (current_step + 1) % self.save_every == 0 ): self._dump() def _dump(self, **kwargs): file_path = f"{self.save_path}_{self.file_count}.dat" data = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in self.buffer.items()} if self.method == ExportCallBack.AVAILABLE_METHOD[0]: # pickle with open(file_path, "wb") as file: self._pickle.dump(data, file) elif self.method == ExportCallBack.AVAILABLE_METHOD[1]: # npz self._savez(file_path, **data) elif self.method == ExportCallBack.AVAILABLE_METHOD[2]: # tempfile file = open(, "wb") self._pickle.dump(data, file) self.file_count += 1 self.buffer_size = 0 self.buffer.clear()